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Exhibitions in Rådhusgata 7, Architecture and degrowth

  • 7 Rådhusgata Oslo, Oslo, 0151 Norway (kart)
Hovedbilde NIL_MediaCityBergen. Krediteres Mad arkitekter og fotograf Coastarc_R.Hjortshøj.jpg

Interior architecture and degrowth

Norwegian organization of interior architects and furniture designers

With this exhibition NIL wishes to focus on how the interior architect and the furniture designer work considering the OAT theme the architecture of degrowth.

How does our members work with issues like transformation, re-cycling, up-cycling and re-use?

Most of the buildings that will be used in the future have already been built. Part of our members´ core competencies circuits around this; user based reuse and transformation of existing buildings. When entering our exhibition you will see examples of this. 

The projects exhibited exemplifies the large span of issues the interior architect at all times work with. The exhibition showcases both realized projects and a student´s brave vision for the reuse of Møllergata 19 to mention a few things.

We warmly welcome you to our exhibition and a taste of what the interior architects and the furniture designers do!

Rooms with more of what we need

Høyskolen Kristiania

Degrowth refers to a need to consume fewer things in order to move towards a more sustainable system than today’s present industrial/economic system. In our proposal for an exhibition for OAT we intend to reverse the formulation of the theme of degrowth from the negative (consume less) to the positive (consume more) – but more of the things that we most certainly want and need more of.

These things can for example be:  more time, more happiness, more tolerance, more contact with each other, more empathy, cleaner air, more contact with nature and more knowledge. 

Opening hours and more info

21. september

FULLTEGNET! Møtet mellom middelalder-Oslo og gigantprosjektet Follobanen

29. september

FULLY BOOKED! A growth and degrowth tour of historical Oslo